Personal update November 2013

Monday 18 November 2013|Personal

Dear family and friends,

Hope Shekinah, REJoyce Zoe and I arrived the Netherlands this morning. The first things I noticed was just how beautiful this country is. It is so organized, clean and “pretty”. As I walked by the shops in the airport new designs of walls, windows and so on caught my eye and it was even a joy just to walk past the inviting shops. Apart from this some major changes here are that we now have a King and no more a Queen and that the century old tradition of Sinterklaas and his “chimney black” Pete is under investigation by the UN due to possible discrimination. So who knows this year I may get to celebrate the last official Sinterklaas celebration :).
My mother had cooked a lovely home made soup and we ate real Dutch cheese. We all enjoyed the food and the fellowship with “Opa and Oma”. Hope has got grandpa to fly her like an airplane and Oma has been remembering all the children’s songs. Spending time with my family like this is such a precious gift, what a joy. We do really miss Jackson though who will remain in Africa for one more week to do the Word by Heart seminar in Nigeria. He will join us here in the Netherlands on the 25th and has already gotten his visa! (Praise the Lord!).
The way travelling here alone with the girls was quite the journey as they wouldn’t allow me take the stroller to the gate. But the Lord provided these amazing helpers who walked me through security and customs with great priority. So it was a blessing and made the trip less stressful. The girls travelled like “professionals” and slept the whole way. I unfortunately did not sleep at all but hope to catch up this night!
The week before we travelled we just wrapped up the health clinic in Bai Panya where overall about 450 adults and children were consulted and treated. Most of them had Malaria and Typhoid and there were some major life saving cases as well. One example was Nellie. She came to see our doctor with an infection under the eye. The local nurse would prescribe antibiotics, but when our Dr saw it, she said this was way more serious and if not treated could turn into Meningitis and subsequently death within a week. So because she was there she was able to prescribe the appropriate medication and her life was saved. It is times like this that make this outreach really worthwhile. The team gave and sacrificed so much to join us and we are very grateful for their lives and energy. We also want to thank you for your prayers and support for this outreach time.
If you are in the Netherlands and you would like to hear and see a more detailed presentation of what we have been up to the past 1,5 years, please come to our information evening on December 1st. if you would like to schedule a personal time with us, we would be delighted. You can contact us via

Love and blessings,

The Ndecheck Family

Personal update October 2013

Monday 28 October 2013|General

YES!! We are in CAMEROON!!
Dear Family and Friends,

34 hours of traveling, 4 different airplanes, but on Thursday
afternoon Oct 24th we made it safely to Cameroon. It was such a joy to
see our family here and it was a special surprise that our mother (in
law) had come down from the village all the way to the city to receive
We are very happy and grateful to have made it here and the trip,
though long went really well. The girls slept most of the way and
Jackson and I were able to take turn sleeping on the plane.
We enjoyed a great time of fellowship and already went to the zoo on
Friday. They have the Limbe Wildlife Center where they take care of
endangered animals, most of which monkeys. So Hope loved walking
around seeing all the different varieties.
That evening we also received our first team members: Ruben and
Martin. On Saturday we took them to see the town of Limbe and after
lunch they left to the secondary school to talk about the water
project with Jackson.
The girls and I are at home in the afternoons for nap time which
usually turns into a very long sleeping time because of the 12 hour
jet lag.
On Wednesday we will be receiving the rest of the team members which
we are looking forward to very much.

Thank you for your support in sending us here and also for your prayers.
Because of the traveling we did arrive Cameroon a bit sick. The girls
and I have been coughing and sneezing a lot and we would appreciate
your prayers for a good recovery.
We would also like to ask prayers for a fruitful outreach!

Love and blessings,

The Ndecheck Family

Prayer points

Thursday 26 September 2013|Meditation and prayer, Personal

Prayer Points
Thank you so much for praying for the Mexico trip. I experienced a lot of grace during this time and the children handled it so well. Jackson was able to read bedtime stories through Skype most of the evenings and I went to bed early so that I had enough energy when the girls got up. It wasn’t “fun” being away from each other, but we really experienced grace from the Lord in this.
Now we would love your prayers for the upcoming trip mid October-end December. These are the areas we would like you to pray into:
Pray for the Water & Health Care outreach to Cameroon:
o Provision for the plane tickets and visas for our family and the guests coming
o Many connections with local doctors and nurses
o Donations of materials and medicines
o Protection of the workers
o Fruitful outreach being able to reach out to many
Pray for the trip to Nigeria and the Netherlands:
o Provision for our plane tickets and visas
o Good health of us and our children
o Fruitful time with friends and family
o Good adjustments for the children to new time zones, climates and living conditions

Thank you and blessings!
Jackson, Anneke, Hope and REJoyce

Personal update september 2013

Thursday 26 September 2013|Personal

Dear family & friends,

We have just said goodbye to my sister Martine and her friend Judith who came to visit us in Hawaii these past 2 ½ weeks. What a precious time it was to catch up with family and also for Hope to practice her Dutch. The girls taught her many new Dutch songs and spent hours reading books and playing games with her, so we miss them a lot now that they are gone.
During this time Jackson also came back from his trip to Mexico for the UofN workshop. Thank you so much for your prayers as he did not have any trouble crossing the border and getting back in. He had a very wonderful time in Mexico where he represented the Word by Heart ministry. As mentioned before Word by Heart is aimed at memorizing the scriptures word for word and then giving a live presentation of entire Bible books. Jackson has thus far memorized the Gospel of Mark, the book of Jonah and the book of Ruth and he is now continuing with Esther. Ultimately his vision is to memorize the entire bible and use this to train the former militants in Nigeria with the Word of God.
On his way to Mexico Jackson was in transit through LA where he applied for his Dutch multiple entry visa. However when he did his application they said that it was not likely he would get a multiple entry, but rather that he would get a 1 week visa and then have to re-apply for a new visa in Cameroon. In Cameroon this process takes an entire week and this would mean that with our original travel plans we would have to be separated as a family for between 4-5 weeks. So while in LA he decided not to go for the 1 week visa, but to withdraw his application. After prayerful consideration we felt that our value should be to travel as a family, except there is good reason not to. So with these new plans we have revised our travel schedule. We will now all be travelling to Cameroon mid October to visit our family and friends there and then receive the medical & water outreach team, then wait for the visa together. Then we will all travel to Nigeria for the Word by Heart training. After this we will arrive the Netherlands around November 25th for a 5 week visit with family and friends. We are actually very happy that we can stay together as a family and also that we can get our children familiar with the African nations we will be spending a great deal of time in, in the future.

The water & health care outreach is in full preparation. There are 3 that have already booked their tickets among which is our Pediatrician. We are going to be joining hands with medical professionals in Cameroon to run clinics, screenings and trainings in the villages. We will also be continuing the clean water project we started last year.
There are several ways you can get involved in this outreach October 30-November 11:
– Pray- for the team, our family, the people we will reach out to, the finances, equipment and supplies needed.
– Join- it is not to late to join the outreach, send us an e-mail if you are interested!
– Give- support the outreach financially with specific donations for medicine, blood tests or for our family support.

As we are also preparing to travel to the Netherlands late November we would love to borrow things for our children. If you are able to lend us some of the following items for the 5 week period we will be there, also send an e-mail to
– Winter clothing for our girls (REJoyce size 74/80, Hope Shekinah size 104)
– Winter clothing for Anneke (size M), for Jackson (size M)
– Toys for the girls to play with (dolls, blocks, books etc)
– Play mat/box/walker/bouncy seat for REJoyce
– High chair for both girls (to eat at the table)
– Toddler table and chair for Hope to sit and play at
– Double stroller
– Toddler car seat
– Baby bath
– Etc.
All items will be returned after we leave so it is good to mark them with your name!
Last of all we are really having a challenge in our finances and would appreciate your donations towards our plane tickets, visa and monthly expenditures. Visit the “Donate Now” page to learn how to give with tax deduction.
For our time in the Netherlands we could also use gifts in kind such as: Coupons for family activities such as going to the zoo, the swimming pool etc. Food for us and the children.
Thank you so much for your friendship, your prayers and support. We look forward to be able to meeting some of you in person when we travel!

Blessings, The Ndecheck Family.