Personal update January

Monday 14 January 2013|Personal

Dear Family & Friends,

2013 has started and what a season we have here in Kona. We just received more than 600 students, so there are now about 1200 people including staff involved here. Students are here from all over the world and we have already gotten to know a few of the newcomers.
Jackson has started his studies this year with a very unique school called “Word by Heart”. By the end of this school he will be able to present a live drama of the Gospel of Mark word for word as it is written in the Bible. So they take the “script” and literally use it in a dramatic way that is just mind blowing. His teacher Bruce Kuhn a former Broadway actor actually lives in the Netherlands as his wife is Dutch! He is here with his family 3 months to lead this school for the first time in Youth With A Mission. Jackson is so excited to use his passion and love for the Word, in such a new and dynamic way. Imagine the impact this will have in Nigeria, a culture that loves drama and the arts and in which there is a challenge of illiteracy, so many have not been able to read the Bible. And even in cultures where the Bible is well known, seeing it come to life just gives you such a new perspective.

We are both so in love with our princess Hope Shekinah who continues to develop so amazingly. She is able to understand instructions very well, such as “throw this in the trash” or “bring mummy your shoes”. The other day she had taken her cup and put it somewhere I could not see it. I looked for it about 10 minutes then I decided to ask her, not sure if she would understand, but I tried “Where is your cup?”, she looked around then walked straight to her tricycle and opened the storage box on the back in which she had put the cup. AMAZING. I was so proud of her and it taught me that she probably knows so much more than I think. The other day she did something incredibly funny. She had been able to open the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers and was taking out about 5 pieces of clothing. She gathered all of them in a bundle and started walking with them, so I followed her to see what she would do. She headed straight for the trash bin and started throwing the first piece in the trash, for which of course I had to stop her, but it was sooo funny. She is so precious. Last month she started a true appreciation of affection and she now LOVES to hug and cuddle with us and also with other little children. She will hug other children in the play ground and she particularly loves babies with whom she is very gentle. It’s so sweet as of course we as parents LOVE to hug her too!

I’m doing well and feeling so much stronger than last quarter when I had morning sickness and a lot of tiredness. It also helps a lot that Jackson is not as busy as the last three months so we are really enjoying our family and couple times as well. On January 3d 2013 we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary! He took me out to the movie Les Miserables which was wonderful! That same morning we had the opportunity to speak to a Christian Camp about “what is my calling?” and Jackson taught as I translated. It was such a precious time with those young adults to be able to share some of our testimonies and encourage them.

For the next updates I would like to know if you have any questions for us, or if there are any areas you would like us to write about? All ideas/suggestions are welcome!

Lots of love and blessings,

The Ndechecks