Personal update, February

Friday 3 February 2012|General, Personal

Dear family and friends,

The first month of the year has already come to an end and for us the countdown for our trip has begun. We are looking forward to spending time in Nigeria, Cameroon as well as Holland to spend time with all of you. God has opened amazing doors and so several different people are going to be joining us on the trip to Nigeria. This is all really exciting, but first we are putting our attention on this quarter here on the campus in Kona.

It has been the largest quarter ever for the second time in a row now where we know God is up to something. Lots of young people are seeking the Lord, laying down their lives and rights to the Lord asking Him to give purpose and direction to their lives. Also lots of middle aged people after their retirement have decided to start a second career and are being trained for missions in the Crossroads DTS. For the first time the Medical DTS is running where only medical professionals are accepted. It is such a privilege to be part of this YWAM family with people from so many different nations and cultures. And it is really exciting to hear the testimonies of what the Lord is doing in people’s lives around the world.
A young lady named Morgan Perry gave a message the other night about faith in action. During her DTS she had gotten a heart for the sex-trafficking industry while she was on outreach in Asia. As she was doing her University of the Nations degree the Lord directed her to start a ministry called “Sex + Money” which is a movement to abolish sex-trafficking in the USA. With her team she has gone through all states in the US raising awareness for this issue as approx 100.000 girls are being trafficked in the US. They made a movie and had interviews with government officials, senator, FBI, police etc. The results of the campaign are amazing, as they bring this program into schools students are repenting, crying out to the Lord, pimps and prostitutes are being saved etc. It was such an encouraging testimony for us because it shows that with a little you can really do a lot if you trust the Lord.
On a very practical note Jackson followed a seminar in Aquaponics. This is a technology where agriculture is done on waterbeds with the input of water coming from a fish tank. The fish fertilize the water and this makes the vegetables grow faster and bigger. It is all natural, no chemicals are needed. The original system was designed with electricity, but the seminar Jackson followed was a gentleman who had worked on designing the system without using electricity. The system of this gentleman has however already been improved by Jackson himself who suggested they could use Indian Bamboo instead of plastic bottles, which of course is a more sustainable and better applicable solution in West-Africa. Because of the efficient use of space and resources, this can be a great blessing in Africa so we hope to be able to try it out when we travel.
Personally I have been involved in coordinating the registration of the leadership seminar called “Impartation” that will be held here on the campus in July. It will be a leadership seminar led by Loren, Darlene, David and others which is open to both YWAMers and non-YWAMers, so you are most welcome to come to Kona for this seminar!!
Read more:
Apart from this I am thoroughly enjoying my training with Darlene and baby Hope is too! She always goes with me to the office and meetings and she loves the attention as well as the change of environment. Though I can always work from home as well if I want to. She has grown soooo fast and today she discovered her feet. It was so cute. She knows how to roll over from her stomach to her back, she can make all kinds of different sounds and talks to us in her own way. She has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks and is such a joy to our lives. The whole day she is entertaining us with smiles or with new tricks she has discovered.

Love and blessings,

Jackson & Anneke and Hope Shekinah